July 21, 2016 by
Days before GOP Convention Ted Cruz with Obamas, Valerie Jarret, and Hillary Clinton
July 21, 2016
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Days before GOP Convention Ted Cruz with Obamas, Valerie Jarret, and Hillary Clinton
Safari Woman
Days before GOP Convention Ted Cruz with Obamas, Valerie Jarret, and Hillary Clinton
  • July 21, 2016
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Unforgivable. We've all heard the saying "Birds of a feather..."
  • July 21, 2016
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  • July 21, 2016
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Willis Pebble
Thank you, You caught Ted Cruz flying with Obama. A Pro-Trump face book site is circulating this picture, which you accepted at face value because it's about Ted Cruz. Since I believe in always vetting people I support, I devoted an enormous amount of time, over 15 seconds looking into this secret ...
  • July 22, 2016
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Safari Woman
Thanks for the info! I was hoping someone would have the scoop on this. - Still it seems odd Ted, Rubio or any non Globalist under the banner of conservative would jump on a plane with the Obamas and Jarret - how cozy.
  • July 22, 2016
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Willis Pebble
It doe's not happen often, but it is not uncommon if Congress is in session and an unplanned event like this memorial has both the President and a member of Congress, (mostly Senators)attending the same service. After all, it is not Obama's airplane , it is just the President's ride. Obama probably ...
  • July 23, 2016
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