
Norman Borlog Scientist
Robin Hood robbed from the government and gave back from the tax victims
John Adams quote about useless men
History You Didn't Learn In School - White Slavery
When debate is lost Slander becomes the tool of the losers Socrates quote
Comet C/2012 S1 ISON picture
Wikileaks #Vault7
Landing on the moon American Exceptionalism at its finest
When the truth comes out do not ask me how I knew ask yourself why you did not know
Electric Power is Everywhere in Unlimited Quantities Nikola Tesla Quote
Handkerchief with embroidered signatures of suffragettes held at Holloway Prison 1912
ayn rand on compromise between good and evil - only evil can win
Psychoville Population 10 - opps make that 9
Look for 3 qualities integrity intelligence energy if someone lacks the first the other two will kill you Warren Buffet quote
Margaret Sanger
Cato Institute Education Chart
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