
Get your affluenza vaccine before it is too late
Maxine Wishes for a star over DC for Christmas We need wise men up there
Racism Sucks So Does Being Falsely Accused of Racism
Liberal Think Tank
The Ameican Federal Government is Too Damn Powerful
Michelle vs Melania Change is coming
white house lit up in pink
We the people have had enough Lawn Art Photo by Chuck Nickle
The first snowflake of December Christmas
Benghazi Poem
Obama supported al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood enabling ISIS
How do you spell Moron?  -L-I-B-E-R-A-L - Correct!
Silence in the face of evil is evil itself
America had roads schools colleges railroads and a miliatry before it had an income tax
Political Correctness lets stop calling it the black widow spider
Ted Kennedy Volkswagen Ad from the 70s
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