Topic: Bible

Beware of wolves wearing sheeps clothing ie FAKE EWES Charlie Daniel cartoon
John 16-33 I have overcome the world be at peace
Fear of man will prove to be a snare but whoever trusts in the Lored is kept safe
Be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour 1 Peter 5 -8
Where the spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom 2 Corinthians 3 17
The Battle is Real Ephesians 6 12
Only fools say in there hearts there is no God Psalm 14-1
Do not be afraid is written 365 times in the bible Live fearlessly
These six things the Lord Hates Yea Seven Are An Abomination To Him
Modern Day Good Samaritan
What is wrong with this POPE
Liberals Suck - In America Today - PC is mind control
Psalms 61 - 2
Saved by Grace
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