Topic: Christmas

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Who remembers these shiny Christmas ornaments
Dear Santa Bring Brains for Demcorats and Balls for Republicans
santa comes to hawaii has dolphins not reindeer
My butt fell asleep
1926 Norman Rockwell Christmas
Glass wax Christmas Stencils
Santa flies over Turkish airspace
For Christmas I got you lottery tickets
Andora Says Unmerry Christmas
The Christmas tree fainted
Bah Humbug
Paris Opera House decorated for Christmas
Get mother what she really needs this christmas a colt 45
winter tree bubbles
The reindeer laughed at Rudolf until he got his safe zone
Last Year I asked Santa for the sexiest person in the world for Christmas and I woke up in a box
Snoopy Christmas is over I am ready for summer
Santa saw your facebook pictures you are getting a dictionary and clothes for christmas
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