Topic: gun rights

People who think you should own guns vs people who think you should not
Come Igor let us disarm the angry villagers - Yes Master - Obama and McCain
Molon Labe if you can kill me you can have my weapons
Obama Take Guns from Americans Obama Give Guns to Syrian Rebels
Violent Crimes Per 100000 Britain VS USA Statistics
Gun Control is a partnership between Democrats and Criminals
Its Not the Breed Its the Owner
Patrick Henry Quote on having arms for our own defense
Government killed over 250 million people in the last century
George Washington Quote about gun ownership by Americans
Free Men Do Not Ask Permission to Bear Arms - Thomas Jefferson Quote
My right to defend myself
Stop Arson Outlaw semiautomatic matches
These shooters were all democrats - maybe democrats should not be allowed to have guns
If a politician says you dont need a gun that means you need a gun
Nobody needs an AR15
When the prey is armed predators think twice
Attention Idiots
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