Topic: guns

If Guns are Banned Only Criminals Will Have Guns - AWESOME - Senator Yee
Don't worry he is only allowed 10 rounds
Liberal Idiocy Reguarding the Hollywood Shooter - Blames the NRA
Causes of death in USA in 2016 as of June 15
Mao Banned Guns then killed 49 million people
liberal logic guns
Reduce drunk driving by taking away cars from sober drivers
25 states without gun permit requirements only account for 20 percent of national murders
George Washington Quote about gun ownership by Americans
Free Men Do Not Ask Permission to Bear Arms - Thomas Jefferson Quote
Why liberals are so confused
These shooters were all democrats - maybe democrats should not be allowed to have guns
We must not judge the many by the actions of a few Muslims or Gun Owners
Stop Arson Outlaw semiautomatic matches
Time for Justice in Operation Fast and Furious
2nd amendment for liberal dummies guns are for despots not bambis
Samuel L Jackson quote Gun control It is not guns it is people are not taught the value of life
A tale of two cities Chicago VS Houston
I would like to see every woman know how to handle firearms Quote Annie Oakley
Anti Gun Democrat Senator Shoots  Home Intruder
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