Topic: IRS

IRS Targeting Record Under Lois Lerner
obama doesnt know sh-t
America had roads schools colleges railroads and a miliatry before it had an income tax
Does Obama Know About Anything Other Than His Next TEE Time
Do you know the difference betwen lay and lie
Obama and Democrat Liberal Agendas Fundamentally Transformed America
Big Gov to Tax Payer - You need to learn to live with less
Until 1913 we had no income taxes
Former IRS Chief on Why He Visited White House 118 Times- I went to an Easter Egg Roll
obama the Messiah vs obama the MESS
Obama Lies Lies and More Lies
When did Ben Franklin Get a Gender Reassignment LOL PIC
Did Obama Follow the Advice Given By Nixon About What Kind of IRS Commissioner to Appoint?
Obama quote - do not be distracted by all of these phony scandals
IRS Stop calling it a refund you over paid all year
IRS tax returns dependents claimed
Raiders of the Lost Emails Starring Trey Gowdy
Emails prove Lois Lerner fed True the Vote tax info to Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings - co-conspirator
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