Topic: obama

Obama Arms Syrian Rebels Who Call Themselves Jihadists and Who Beheaded a Christian Minister
Reagan Bush and Obama one picture says it all
Barack Insane OFundraising Campaigner
The first words spoken were Arabic signaling the giving over of America to Islam
The anti-war movement 2007 vs 2014
Valerie Jarrett with and without make up
Obamas Wonderland State of the Union Speech
Obama - I heard there was a biker rally today
obama quote - I will stand with the muslims
Oh NO Obama Needs Help What would you toss him
Decorated Officer - I didnt join the Navy to fight for Al Qeada in a Syrian Civil War
Me in front of the Capitol - DC - 08 - March and Protest Liberal Agendas
Marty there is no time to lose go back in time and give Obamas dad a condom
Obama Cares About You and other fairy tales for progressive children
Best Bar Joke Ever
Margaret Sanger Founder Planned Parenthood quote merciful killing of family member
End of an error Jan 20 2017 NOBAma
The Vice Presidency - So easy even a cave man - Like Joe Biden - can do it
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