Topic: obama

Russian Embassy UK response to Obama kicking out Diplomats
Obama mission to destroy America - Mission accomplished
National Womens History Month Celebrates Our First Girl President
How is it you need a background check to own a gun but not to run a country
those three little words obamas been arrested
If you voted for Obama we do not want your business gun show sign
How obama looked when he woke up this morning
New Ben and Jerrys  Ice Cream Impeach Mint
The Good Things Obama Has Done For America
Pregnant girl Obama Rocks
Obama These types of mass shootings dont happen in other countries BULLSHIT #Paris
Being lectured about the 2nd amendment by an administration caught running guns to Mexican drug lords
Obama supported al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood enabling ISIS
Reagan Recovery vs Obama Recovery Graph Chart
Chart How much things have declined for black Americans under Obama
Is this the ladies room Obama said I could pee here
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