Topic: obama

Obama on Wheel of Fortune Spells Rspect for Respect and Wins!
we built it you broke it we will fix it
Obama Sadly Elected Twice For the Color of His Skin Not the Content of His Character
How obama looked when he woke up this morning
How Legislation Becomes Law
For every 1 job created under the Obama administration 75 people went on food stamps
Obamas Bait and Swtich
Obama and his buddy Ryan
Obama quote - Constitution is an Imperfect Document Reflecting Deep Flaws in American Culture
Chart How much things have declined for black Americans under Obama
Obama does not have a strategy but he does have a tee time
Obama Transgender Bathroom Letter to Schools Going Straight To the Shredder
The Redistribution of Wealth Facts
Obama in Gone With the Wind Frankly America I don't  give a damn
Barack Obama sings Crimea River
Debt Limit Increases the Most Under Obama
get equal
Obama: Will you stop making me look like such a pussy? Putin: Nyet
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