Topic: obama

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Barack Insane OFundraising Campaigner
Government gone wild
Embarrasing Manchild President of the United States Makes Time for Disgusting YouTube Star GloZell
Obamas Wheel of Blame
Valerie Jarrett with and without make up
Defending our nation with an iron fist does not involve a five iron -  tactical fire arms sign
Obama Quote - I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction
IRS Targeting Record Under Lois Lerner
Obama Take Guns from Americans Obama Give Guns to Syrian Rebels
Obamas Commencement Speech Does NOT Impress West Point Grads
Obama Sucks - Milwaukee Mississippi Louisiana Marthas Vineyard
Thomas Sowell Quote about Obama being a phony
Obamas Ebola Response Team
Chicago is the blueprint for national gun laws obama quote chicgao number 1 in gun violence
Obama said he wanted to talk to Putin man to man - Putin replied put Michelle on the phone
Best Bar Joke Ever
Obama playing games with Putin
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