Topic: obama

Do you know what the NDAA is - Obama signed it in 2011
A Government big enough Thomas Jefferson Quote - Case in point
Decorated Officer - I didnt join the Navy to fight for Al Qeada in a Syrian Civil War
Obama VS Thommas Jefferson on Tyranny
Obama supported al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood enabling ISIS
The first words spoken were Arabic signaling the giving over of America to Islam
NO MORE trickle down government
Background Checks Good Idea Mr President Let Us Start With You
Revved Up - Sharpton becomes Obamas go to man on race baiting - Politico Cover
Al Sharpton called for Obama to nationalize Americas Police Just Like Hitler Did
Michelle Obama Your School Menu Sucks
Tom Cotton Quote on Illegal Immigrants and Solving the Problem
Mohamed Elibiary Obamas Top Homeland Security Advisor Thinks America is an Islamic Country
We must not judge the many by the actions of a few Muslims or Gun Owners
Clowns to the Left of me Jokers to the Right - Pope between obama and Kerry
Obama - Take a good hard look
Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people Clint Eastwood
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