Information sharing sites should be legal?

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May 11, 2016 by
Information sharing sites should be legal?
Linda Mihalic
Respect for the creator's intellectual property trumps sharing without pay or permission.
  • May 11, 2016
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Cezar Scribe
Even if it's older?

Sharing actually helps people find new things.

  • May 11, 2016
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Linda Mihalic
Copyright laws protect musicians, writers and artists the world over, for varying periods of time. If the copyright runs out, then the work falls into the public domain.
  • May 11, 2016
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Marge Pauls
I voted "other" because I agree with Linda, and because I don't want my personal information or accomplishments in the public domain, nor do I care to read others' tribulations. Perhaps you might qualify what you're calling "information?"
  • May 11, 2016
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Safari Woman
I picked other because it wasn't clear what kind of info sites .. but then reading comments.. I'm guessing piracy sites? I am fully against them. I saw the pic on piracy vs theft too .. and that is not relative because what you are stealing is the rights of the creator to possess and control their o...
  • May 13, 2016
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