Should the Democrat Party Go Ahead And Change Its Name To The Communist Party?

March 26, 2013 by
Should the Democrat Party Go Ahead And Change Its Name To The Communist Party?
Dale Barnes
It would cut down a lot on the confusion. I still hear progressives who don't know their head from their, ah, toes.... claiming that progressives are people for progress. Really? Wrong! The progressives are communists, and the Democrat Party is full of them. 
  • March 26, 2013
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Safari Woman
I've heard the same thing! It was, we are for progress, what could be wrong with that! These young uneducated kids are clueless about what they are supporting and don't have any idea the agendas that they are voting for will turn on them in the probably not to far future.
  • March 26, 2013
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Susan McClaren
I call them that anyway. 
  • March 28, 2013
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The name Democrat already carries with it a connotation of a self inflicted wound;   so why muddy up another descriptive name.............
  • March 28, 2013
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