Could you pass the US citizenship test? (Online test)

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October 28, 2013 by
Could you pass the US citizenship test? (Online test)
Safari Woman
Take the onlne test here - Christian Science Monitor

In order to become a US citizen, immigrants must pass the Naturalization Test. American citizenship bestows the right to vote, improves the likelihood of family members living in other countries to come and live in th...
  • October 28, 2013
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Safari Woman
:/ Exactly average! (Darn memory!)
  • October 28, 2013
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Mark Bailey is online.
Dang, I got 11 wrong. 87%
  • October 28, 2013
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Safari Woman
Me too! :/
  • October 28, 2013
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Kahaluu Girl
ummm I passed but barely......embarrassed
  • October 28, 2013
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Safari Woman
You did better than barely! But joined the embarrassed club! I'm terrible with history in terms of who was president when this or that happened... I never liked history. What I found hard to believe though is that missing 11 is average. I think if the right crowd was given this test - one that inclu...
  • October 28, 2013
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Marge Pauls
Missed two...dang!
  • October 28, 2013
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Safari Woman
Is that all! Shoots ... You did good!
  • October 28, 2013
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87%....tripped myself up on a couple of questions by NOT reading every word!!!
  • October 28, 2013
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Marge Pauls
That's why I goofed up!
  • October 28, 2013
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Safari Woman
Yeah it was a long test! But what I thought was odd after reading this is that immigrants only get asked five questions. Some of them were so easy - but then again those recorded polls done outside of universities showed us that a lot of college kids didn't even know who the sec or state or even the...
  • October 28, 2013
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Mark Bailey is online.
Spiro Agnew is the vp, right?
  • October 29, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Yeah! I passed! 83 correct...86%.... And I don't even live in the USA! .....sorry, don't mean to offend anyone...but I surprised myself! LOL!

Who says one can't learn anything from participating on political blogs!!
  • October 29, 2013
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Kurt Anderson
You answered 86 of 96 questions correctly for a total score of 90%.

I must admit, some of the missed were due to not reading answers properly, and three were because of my spazzy laptop.
  • June 3, 2015
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Marge Pauls
I understand completely--spent the day trying to reboot a laptop with hard disc problems, and the tablet isn't working right either!
  • June 4, 2015
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