I don't believe in vaccines, will Obamacare force me to get one?

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December 24, 2013 by
  • December 24, 2013
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Sitara Singley
I am very scared. I am deeply antivaccine due to the fact that they contain neurotoxins and my concerns about the health risks. Do I have any recource?
  • December 24, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
tell them it's against your religion?
  • December 25, 2013
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Sitara Singley
I will. I am not above lying to preserve my health, although I could make a case for them being immoral due to God wanting me to not hurt my temple.
  • December 25, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Amish and moslem and most likely Jehovah's witness and Mormons could be exempt from the O'Care. Since you don't look moslem...or amish....I'd go with Mormon....
  • December 25, 2013
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Sitara Singley
Darn. Ima have to find an alternate route. I personally feel that Mormons have doctrine scontrary to what I believe the Bible says. Maybe I will be called to say no "because I said so, end of story" to the government.
  • December 26, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
I agree with the doctrine contrary to what the Bible says....but would you really have to be a Mormon? Couldn't you just say you are if asked?
  • December 26, 2013
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Sitara Singley
Id have to think about it.
  • December 26, 2013
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  • December 25, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
All vaccines have mercury salts in them ...they call it Thimerisol. Not only that but some have been contaminated with other stuff!

read about that here: http://salem-news.com/art...
  • December 25, 2013
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Kahaluu Girl
they are NOT for me either!
  • December 25, 2013
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Sitara Singley
You are awesome.
  • December 25, 2013
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