Safari Woman
Should Ben Carson And/Or John Kasich Drop Out?
March 2, 2016 by
Should Ben Carson And/Or John Kasich Drop Out?
Safari Woman
Which 10 GOP Candidates Do You Want To See In The First...
July 28, 2015 by
Which 10 GOP Candidates Do You Want To See In The First Debate?
Dale Barnes
What will happen to Obama's Pinnochio nose when he fina...
November 7, 2013 by
What will happen to Obama's Pinnochio nose when he finally falls flat on his face?
Safari Woman
What do you think is the most important story the news ...
March 18, 2017 by
What do you think is the most important story the news rarely or never covers?
If you could 'turn back time', knowing that you would p...
March 12, 2013 by
If you could 'turn back time', knowing that you would probably take an entirely different route, would you?
Redneck Angel Warrior
Have you ever had a Supernatural experience that you ju...
August 7, 2013 by
Have you ever had a Supernatural experience that you just can't explain away?
Cezar Scribe
Favorite burger resturant?
October 9, 2016 by
Are you going to celebrate Christmas as much this year ...
December 4, 2013 by
Are you going to celebrate Christmas as much this year as you did last year?
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