Resist the NWO Cover
You are here = about to be bar coded tracked monitored and controlled by globalist governments
Globalist brainwashing of the masses
New Years Eve in Wuhan China vs New Years Eve in NY City WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED
Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank Give a man a bank and he can rob the world
BLACK FACE Justin Trudeau - A small fringe minority holding unacceptable views
Dont worry about the haters
How can you tell if the truth is being told
Ddigital IDs just the start
The one percent control the world
John F Kennedy quote warning of a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy
11 steps to fascism
The fascist lockdown boot wants to crush us
Shadow Government get togethers in George Soros owned building
George Soros - The Power Elite - The Muslim Brotherhood
How did covid 19 get started and why the over reaction
Watch out what you ask for What happens when you want more government - You get it
Soros - lost the UK and Russia - get the race war going now
putin responds like the adult in the room to obama maneuver
Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear General MacArthur quote
Why the war on US Police Became Vital Communist Strategy
Truth About ISIS
Save Canada quit Paris Build Pipelines
Your DNA will be your DATA
Land owned by Bill Gates by State
Jacob Rothschild
UK Vax Passport has LOTS of spaces designated for continuing boosters
If socialism is so good and capitalism is so bad then why are caravans heading to usa not venezuela
home delivery of knives banned in uk
NWO Movers and Shakers (Public)
Socialism is grand - In Venezuela a chicken is currently worth 14 million 600 thousand Bolivars
JFK on vast conspiracy
Chinas Lap Dogs Go For a Walk
G7 members pretending there is a pandemic for photo ops - what hypocritical bs
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