Written many years ago, and still true:

Repeatedly we have experienced voter and election fraud over the past decades as has been recorded and is recollected by people who have lived through it. Although ignored by the main stream media to a large degree, those of us who follow local and national stories know the seriousness of the situation especially after observing the 2012 election. We are informed and thoughtful enough to realize the implications of a complete loss of freedom if our election system is not accurate. The right to choose representation is guaranteed to us as Americans and it is our duty to protect this right and to expose and hold those responsible for fraud up to justice.

This group shares, discusses and organizes towards achieving the goal of securing elections so that our votes add up to truly represent the choice of a free people.

Anything less means we are not choosing our representation and that we are therefore not free but rather we are degraded to being expendable pawns in a system of masters and tax dollar producing slaves to those who cheat the system, count the votes and announce the results. Without true representation the will of the people is null and void.

Please join and help us keep account of any issues threatening the validity of our elections.

General Election info about the process, candidates, and parties are welcomed at the Elections Take Back America Izine here: http://www.teamnetworks.net/elections-take-back-america/


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