So you think 12 Russians can influence the election but 12 million illegals can not
INSANITY New Chicago ID card created for illegal aliens will be accepted for voter registration
Ever wonder why Republicans want voter ID
The guy who caused the issue in Reno at Trump Rally a Hillary Operative and engaged in voter fraud hmmm
Wikileaks Smartmatic Voting Machine Corruption Mail Smartmatic owned by Soros used in 16 key battleground states 2
Dead People Can Vote
Over 1 third Detroit Precincts Will Not Be Counted Due to Ballot Discrpancies
Maricopa County Audit Findings
Trump against Goliath
Maricopa CO deleted databases before sending machines for audits DELETING EVIDENCE
Cheatle Juice 53K dead people on floridas voter rolls
SEX SCANDALS are there to distract you from election fraud
Voter Fraud Shasta County California sends party sign up mail without a choice for the Republican party on it
Michigan Democratic Party Official arrested on felony charges related to voter discrepancies
The Masks Speak Ben Garrison Cartoon GrrrGraphics
13 points of Powell GA Election Tampering and Fraud Lawsuit
Democrats are so backwards they  do not want voter id like most other nations have
Man catches python in Florida and finds 3 boxes of Broward Democrat Ballots inside
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