One of the most poignant songs ever written about 9/11. The song really touches me because 9...
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Marge Pauls
Where was I? Watching it all happen live on TV at work. What did I do? Prayed mightily--it was all one could do that was constructive.
  • September 11, 2014
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Kahaluu Girl
I was in Hawaii and received a call to turn on my TV,I couldn't believe what I had heard so I was in complete shock then I turned it on just moments before the second plane hit the tower, then I just watched and cried and prayed and wondered what was next, who was next, then at the pentagon, I serio...
  • September 11, 2014
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Wanda Hope Carter
In Hawaii, spent the night at a friend's house, woke up late and wandered into the kitchen where I could see the TV which had been left on. I was sitting at the table trying to wake up when I realized that what was going on was not a movie but real! The first tower had been hit but wasn't down yet a...
  • September 11, 2014
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Walter D.
At work when a radio one of the guys was listening to started reporting. After about a half an hour everyone was gathered around the radio. By lunch I gave them all the day off. No one was going to get anything done that day. I figured we should be at home with our families in case things continued ...
  • September 12, 2014
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