Milo Yiannopoulos (journalist) joins Dave Rubin, discussing his support of Donald Trump, his...
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Safari Woman
I let the you tube videos run and this came up. Agree or not with Milo, or his lifestyle or his approach, he brings up many important ideas and discussions affecting our times. Here based around his support of Trump, based on cultural revolution, not on political revolution. Other topics - gay awake...
  • July 22, 2016
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I never heard of this dude before but I don't Twitter and I don't do video's. However, I read where Twitter had rescinded their termination!!

In the name of free speech, I'm glad!
  • July 22, 2016
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Safari Woman
I haven't found that news yet -- hmmm... are you sure? I don't find him on twitter either
  • July 23, 2016
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