• January 16, 2018 (Added)
  • 1 (Comments)
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D_HI) says the false ballistic missile warning in Hawaii was "unacceptab...
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Safari Woman
I trust Trump more than I trust what she thinks... and Trump has said he would talk to Kim - but obviously it isn't in the works for now..
  • January 16, 2018
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Myself I think she made a lot of sense, especially what she had to say towards the end of the vid. She's definitely not working for the military industrial complex.
  • January 16, 2018
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Safari Woman
No but she's not geting the intel Trump is or the advice - she did make good points but wouldn't it have been nice if she had gone back over the historical facts of how we got to this place rather than just pointing to Trump? It took decades to arrive at this point and it probably isn't as easy as a...
  • January 16, 2018
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She did go back to some historical points that in no way could construe that this is Trumps fault. Kim is like a cornered wild animal at this point. He isn't going to give up those weapons until he's assured the threat is gone.
Beings this really isn't about nuclear weapons but rather that NK and Syr...
  • January 16, 2018
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Safari Woman
Do you really think it is more important that NK isn't central bank than it is they have Nukes? My worry is about the nukes. I would start there.
  • January 16, 2018
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23 hours ago
1 person
My worry is that they would use the nukes. I would remove the threat by telling them they don't have to join the Rothschild central bank. If they remove the nukes it would be like a soldier laying down his gun while facing the enemy.
  • January 17, 2018
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