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insanity runs in the family
Attention Drug Dealers
Trump Supporters Banned from Owning Carrier Pidgeons CENSORSHIP
ME Every Monday Morning
older than dirt
Dream Job
Ath-flea-ist convention What proof do we have there is a dog
i hate it when that happens...
don't be such a turkey
How to Tell If Your Dog Has Been Involved In a Sex Scandal
Maxine on Bachelors
Politicians Leaving DC 2014
I miss the old-time stars
How politics work
Halloween in Florida
Start the Car - Hillary
Elizabeth Warren Land of Fakes Butter
Signs you are from Florida
Hold My Beer
If other professions were paid like artists
these ones
Being lectured about the 2nd amendment by an administration caught running guns to Mexican drug lords
Not so crazy conspiracy theory
If a politician says you dont need a gun that means you need a gun
Number one reason why you shouldn't feed park animals
Spring has Sprung?
best definition of dumbocrats
Highheel of My Dreams
Merry Christmas from the crazy cat lady
Flabby Arm Flag Tatoo
Maxine Wishes for a star over DC for Christmas We need wise men up there
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