
Hegelian Dialectic
Benghazi Poem
How do you spell Moron?  -L-I-B-E-R-A-L - Correct!
Give me liberty or give me death July 4  1776
Silence in the face of evil is evil itself
Get your affluenza vaccine before it is too late
Maxine Wishes for a star over DC for Christmas We need wise men up there
What Phil Robertson Said to the Obamacare Pajama Boy
IRS Targeting Record Under Lois Lerner
Tomb Sentinel 3rd US Infantry Regiment at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Winter
Liberal Think Tank
The original assault rifle and how it led to forming the United States of America
Clowns to the Left of me Jokers to the Right - Pope between obama and Kerry
Michelle vs Melania Change is coming
We the people have had enough Lawn Art Photo by Chuck Nickle
The first snowflake of December Christmas
This is not theater I am not interested in photo ops Obama lie quote
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