
You Went Full Libtard You Never Go Full Libtard
Planned Paenthood Drive Through Service - Parts
Look I caught a sasquatch - oops no wait its just Michelle Obama
Mooch looks like the statue of David lmbo
Picture of Pearl Harbor Speech Written by FDR With Notations
Michelle cranks down on potatoes and says let them eat peas lol beeeeeyotch
Protest Signs against children and liberals working to abolish the 2nd amendment
We are almost to Mexico Kids
If you become sheep the wolves will eat you Benjamin Franklin Quote
armed guards
Obamas Wonderland State of the Union Speech
Was the You Tube shooter a man who had a sex change
Ted Kennedy Volkswagen Ad from the 70s
USA 2015 The Twilight Zone
Founding feminist ideology
Obama - I heard there was a biker rally today
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