Topic: USA

Violent Crimes Per 100000 Britain VS USA Statistics
Obama quote - Constitution is an Imperfect Document Reflecting Deep Flaws in American Culture
Sad Unemployment Picture 2013 Compared to 1982 Recovery
Obama: Will you stop making me look like such a pussy? Putin: Nyet
Biden Prays not to say something stupid
Quarrantine Liberals
Obama Begs for Money While Chris Stevens Begs For His Life
The Pinpoint Distribution of the Unemployed
Things We Do In The South
A Presidential Math Problem
Famous Metropolitan Disasters USA
Resettling middle eastern refugees five year cost
The Moment You Realize that an Ex KGB Tyrant has Stymied an Ex Peace Prize Winners Attempt at War
19 trillion natinal debt cancer
Photo Of American Forces on Horses with Bayonettes that Obama Says Does Not Exist
Gilligans island the bottle came back but it says stay where you are the USA has gone crazy
statue of david after 3 years in USA
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