Are you annoyed by the group think mentality alive today?

November 15, 2013 by
Safari Woman
To rob us of our individuality makes us all so much more easier to control.
  • November 16, 2013
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Sitara Singley
Exactly. I got a taste of that on FB from the PPA page when I dared stand up to them.
  • November 16, 2013
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Safari Woman
Only love can heal or change anything for the better.
  • November 16, 2013
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Sitara Singley
So true.
  • November 16, 2013
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Man struggles to stand on two feet. Discovers fire. Uses fire to promote better living. Strives to invent objects to make life easier and to move staples around the world for the use of all. Then man stops expressing his ideas and opinions. Sinks to life on his knees. What next? Cause I think ...
  • November 16, 2013
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Sitara Singley
That is a fate worse than death.
  • November 16, 2013
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Willis Pebble
The natural state of all creatures is to be free, but almost any creature can be trapped and caged when they accept the bait of something free.
  • November 24, 2013
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Sitara Singley
Awesome, Can I steal that? I wanna put it on my Google Plus profile.
  • November 24, 2013
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Willis Pebble
Sure, I condensed this thought from a portion of a speech by Dr. Kenneth McFarland. http://www.mcfarlandspeak...
  • December 8, 2013
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Sitara Singley
  • December 8, 2013
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Willis Pebble
I just love how our society is trained to express their individuality by joining in with whatever groupthink is popular at the moment.
  • December 8, 2013
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