What was your favorite subject in school and does your ...
December 19, 2013 by
What was your favorite subject in school and does your vocation require you to use it?
Susan McClaren
Which Political Issue Should Americans Be The Most Conc...
March 20, 2013 by
Which Political Issue Should Americans Be The Most Concerned About?
Safari Woman
What liquid do you consume the most of every day?
September 2, 2015 by
What liquid do you consume the most of every day?
Susan McClaren
Who is Ultimately to Blame for the Terrorist Attacks in...
April 26, 2013 by
Who is Ultimately to Blame for the Terrorist Attacks in Boston.?
Susan McClaren
If you could remove and replace up to five people in DC...
March 22, 2013 by
If you could remove and replace up to five people in DC, who would they be and who would you replace them with?
If you could 'turn back time', knowing that you would p...
March 12, 2013 by
If you could 'turn back time', knowing that you would probably take an entirely different route, would you?
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