Prayer Group topper

Prayer Team


Religion, Philosophy and Metaphysical
Take a second to think about how blessed you are
At this very moment heaven is aware of your needs and is preparing a wonderful way to fulfill them
Sometimes I need a crown adjustment
Dear Father...
Be a prayer warrior
James 1 6 Ask in faith without wavering he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven by wind and tossed
Hand of God used in isolation wards
I know that was you God Thank YOU
They will be murdering babies tonight PRAYER REQUEST
Prayer Request for Booboo Kitty
Whe we have nothing left but God we discover that God is enough
March in Montreal on Oct 31 21 spells out God Help Us
Double rainbow over the white house Pray for Donald Trump
Come let us walk in the light of the Lord
God is great God is good Let us thank Him for our food Amen
Prayer request for Sydney Powell and Trump Legal Team against demonic attacks
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