Prayer Group topper
Prayer Team

Prayer Team


Religion, Philosophy and Metaphysical
People watch Notre Dame burn from afar
Romans 8-30 Those Whom he did predestinate he called, justified and glorified
Begin Each Day
I have a Big God who can do Big Miracles
Notre Dame in flames
Prayer Before I Sleep
God  I know I am in your hands I know you will not drop me
thank you
Until God Opens the Next Door Praise God in the Hallway
Take a second to think about how blessed you are
Be a prayer warrior
James 1 6 Ask in faith without wavering he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven by wind and tossed
God Hears
In God We Trust
George WAshington Praying in a snowy feild
Prayer for living in a way that brings Glory to God
Prayer Request for Booboo Kitty
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