Prayer Group topper

Prayer Team


Religion, Philosophy and Metaphysical
God is our refuge and strength - a very present help in a time of trouble
In memory of Christians slaughtered daily and ignored by the media
Romans 8-30 Those Whom he did predestinate he called, justified and glorified
praying woman
God Almighty
Instead of saying Lord I do not know how I will do this Say Lord I can not wait to see how you do this
Where you are today is no accident
Why do you worry Matthew 6 - 26
God knows how long you have waited Keep the faith
Be joyful in hope Patient in affliction Faithful in prayer
A little prayer
Double rainbow over the white house Pray for Donald Trump
I can do all things through Christ
I used to pray for somebody to help Then I realized I am somebody
Dear God Please Fix Me Amen
Pray for Washington, Oregon, Montana, Texas, California, Florida 2017
I made all of this out of nothing trust me I can take care of you - God
Prayer for living in a way that brings Glory to God
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