Prayer Group topper

Prayer Team


Religion, Philosophy and Metaphysical
Pray for Trump
psalm 40
They will be murdering babies tonight PRAYER REQUEST
Why do you worry Matthew 6 - 26
A blessing song
I used to pray for somebody to help Then I realized I am somebody
Be joyful in hope Patient in affliction Faithful in prayer
Prayer Before I Sleep
Search Me Oh God and Know My Heart Try Me and Know My Thoughts
The Power of Prayer
The world peace prayer
An atheists view on life VS A Christians View on Life
God  I know I am in your hands I know you will not drop me
thank you
James 1 6 Ask in faith without wavering he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven by wind and tossed
Praying for the Bundy Family
God of Hope Romans 15-13
People watch Notre Dame burn from afar
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