Colorado's process of electing GOP delegates drew condemnation from front-runner Donald Trum...
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Mark Bailey
Paul was my congressman when I lived in Texas. I always thought he was 'eccentric' and never a GOPe favorite. But he's right. Right now, I say that both parties play 'dirty pool'. Just because the convention rules are legal, it doesn't make them right. All the process does is to create hostility. A...
  • April 12, 2016
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Safari Woman is online.
I agreed with Paul about a lot of things. (Not everything) This is another thing I agree with him about too.
  • April 13, 2016
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Not only is it a charade, it's a total embarrassment. We prided ourselves on our political and representative selection system. But it's turned out to be such a joke that I can't take politics seriously anymore.
  • April 12, 2016
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